Watermark Master enables to convert audio, video and graphics files from one format to another. The software include support of the following formats:
- AVI - Audio Video Interleave (*.avi). Enables to work with any video codecs installed, decode DivX and XVid files.
How to create an AVI file
- MPEG - Moving Picture Experts Group (*.mpg, *.mpeg). Supports decoding and encoding files into MPEG-1, MPEG-2 (VCD, SVCD) formats.
Enables to convert MPEG Transport Stream files (*.ts) into any supported format.
How to create a MPEG file
- DVD - Digital Video Disk (*.vob, *.ifo). Can handle DVDs. Enables to preview and decode .vob files singly or together, using data derived from .ifo files.
- ASF, WMV, WMA - Advanced Streaming Format, Windows Media Video, Windows Media Audio (*.wmv, *.wma, *.asf). Supports editing of files of Windows Media 7/8/9 formats.
How to create a WMV file
- MOV - QuickTime Video/Audio (*.mov, *.move, *.qt, *.3gp). Provides ability to playback (decode) and create MOV files.
How to create a MOV file
- MPEG-4 (*.mp4). Enables to playback (decode) MPEG-4 files.
- RM - RealMedia (*.rm). Allows to convert RealMedia files into any supported format.
- FLV and SWF - Flash Video (*.flv) and Small Web Format (*.swf). Enables to playback (decode) and create FLV and SWF files.
How to create a FLV or SWF file
- Wave - Wave (*.wav). Provides ability to work with RIFF audio data. Enables to create WAV files and convert them into other formats, for example, MP3.
- Graphic formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, TIFF, JPEG. Provides ability to save video frames into separate graphics files and vice versa, join sequences of images into video clips.
How to create a graphics file
- MP3 - Mpeg Audio Layer-3 (*.mp3). Is able to create MP3 files of video and audio files of all supported formats.