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Watermark Master
Dynamic Effects

What is a dynamic effect?

Modification of watermark displaying within a preset time range is called a dynamic effect.

What kinds do the dynamic effects have?

Watermark Master contains 4 kinds of dynamic effects:
Appearance/disappearance (Fade), key point (Key Point), parameter modification (Parameter), motion (Motion).

Separately and combined, they allow to create almost any visual effect.
  • Fade - the given effect is responsible for smooth appearance and disappearance of a watermark.

  • Key Point - this effect allows to set a time period during which a watermark will look different relative to its initial appearance.

  • Parameter - watermark of each kind has a list of parameters that are responsible for its displaying. Some parameters are numerical, such as rotation angle or size. The present effect provides ability to change the numerical values with a preset speed for a preset time period.

  • Motion - this effect enables to transfer a watermark from one point of an image to another with a preset speed.

How to add a dynamic effect to a watermark?

To add a dynamic effect:

  • Dynamic effects are applicable only when creating video files. Select one of the available video formats in the profile properties.

  • Add watermark. For example, you can add a text or graphical watermark. For that use the appropriate toolbar button or open menu Profile -> Watermark -> Add -> [watermark type].

  • Make the added watermark active by single clicking on it.

  • Add a dynamic effect. For that make use of the appropriate toolbar button or open menu Profile -> Watermark -> Add Dynamic Effect -> [dynamic effect kind].

  • Select the added dynamic effect by means of the watermark timeline control.

  • Shift the selected dynamic effect to the wanted time interval. To assign a time interval more precisely, use the Properties window:

    Start section - defines the start point and contains the following properties:
    Start Point - defines the time (in hh:mm:ss format) from which the watermark display starts.
    Relative - if this option is enabled, the start point is calculated relatively to the end point.

    End section - defines the end point and contains the following properties:
    End Point - defines the time (in hh:mm:ss format) of the watermark display termination.
    Relative - if this option is enabled, the start point is calculated relatively to the end point.
    End of File - if this option is enabled, the end of file is considered the end point of watermark display.

    Additional information
    The time range for any dynamic effect is set relative to the display time of the corresponding watermark.

Working with the Fade dynamic effect.

This effect possesses the following properties:

Start section defines the start point of action of the Fade dynamic effect.
End section defines the end point of action of the Fade dynamic effect.
Direction defines the direction of action of the Fade dynamic effect.
It can take two values:
From Min to Max - transparency of the watermark will change from the Min value to the Max one.
From Max to Min - transparency of the watermark will change from the Max value to the Min one.
Min the minimum boundary value of transparency, it can vary from 0 to 100.
Max the maximum boundary value of transparency, it can vary from 0 to 100.

Additional information:
Unlike VideoCharge and the previous version of Watermark Master, the present version enables to adjust the effect of smooth appearance and disappearance of a watermark more flexibly. The effect can be applied at any moment of the watermark display, not only at the beginning or at the end of it. Any boundary values of transparency can be assigned at that. The value of watermark transparency that has been set at the latest moment of the effect action will be kept on completion of the action.

After adding the effect, the Direction parameter is set to "From Min to Max", duration of the effect equals to 10 seconds (you can change this value by means of the watermark timeline control or using the Properties window). In this case the added watermark will be appearing gradually for 10 seconds. But if the Direction parameter is set to "From Max to Min", the watermark will be disappearing gradually for the same 10 seconds.

Working with the Key Point dynamic effect.

The effect includes the following properties:

Start section defines the start point of action of the Key Point dynamic effect.
End section defines the end point of action of the Key Point dynamic effect.
Mode defines the mode of application of the Key Point dynamic effect.
It can take two values:
All Timeline - the effect will be applied to the whole watermark display time range.
Custom Duration - the effect will be applied to a specified time interval within the watermark display time range.
Duration defines the duration (in hh:mm:ss format) of the Key Point dynamic effect.
Pause defines the pause (in hh:mm:ss format) between two actions of the effect.

The rest properties duplicate the original watermark ones. For example, if the effect is applied to a text watermark, it will hold all properties of a text watermark.

Additional info:
The effect provides ability to change watermark appearance for a specified period of time. It is possible to assign the duration of the effect and the pause (during which the watermark will look as if the effect has not been applied to it), which enables for example to make the text blinking or varying in size.

Add the Key Point dynamic effect to a text watermark and select the effect by means of the watermark timeline control. In the Properties window set the Color parameter to red and the Mode parameter to "Custom duration". In the produced video the watermark will blink with red color.

Working with the Parameter dynamic effect.

The present effect holds the following properties:

Start section defines the start point of action of the Parameter dynamic effect.
End section defines the end point of action of the Parameter dynamic effect.
Mode defines the mode of application of the Parameter dynamic effect.
It can take two values:
All Timeline - the effect will be applied to the whole watermark display time range.
Custom Duration - the effect will be applied to a specified time interval within the watermark display time range.
Duration defines the duration (in hh:mm:ss format) of the Parameter dynamic effect.
Reflex if this option is enabled, every next cycle of parameter modification will be inverse relative to the previous one. For instance, if during the first cycle the parameter is increasing from the Min value to the Max one, then during the second cycle it will be decreasing from the Max value to the Min one.
Direction defines the direction of action of the Parameter dynamic effect.
It can take two values:
From Min to Max - transparency of the watermark will change from the Min value to the Max one.
From Max to Min - transparency of the watermark will change from the Max value to the Min one.
Name holds the name of the parameter which will be modified. Below there is a list of available parameters.
The list of parameters that can be modified
Angledefines the rotation angle for a watermark. By default the watermark will be turned around itself for a given time.
Resizedefines the zoom factor for a watermark. By default the watermark will expand from a spot to its original size.
Fill.Xoffsetif a watermark is filled with a pattern or gradient, one can use this parameter to make the fill play horizontally along the watermark.
Fill.Yoffsetif a watermark is filled with a pattern or gradient, one can use this parameter to make the fill play vertically along the watermark.
Fill.Angleif a watermark is filled with a pattern or gradient, one can use this parameter to make the fill play by changing the fill direction.
Stroke.Widthif the Stroke effect is applied to a watermark, one can use this parameter to vary the Stroke width.
Stroke.Opacityif the Stroke effect is applied to a watermark, one can use this parameter to vary the Stroke opacity.
DropShadow.Opacityif the DropShadow effect is applied to a watermark, one can use this parameter to vary the Drop Shadow opacity.
DropShadow.Angleif the DropShadow effect is applied to a watermark, one can use this parameter to vary the Drop Shadow angle.
DropShadow.Distanceif the DropShadow effect is applied to a watermark, one can use this parameter to vary the Drop Shadow distance.
DropShadow.Sizeif the DropShadow effect is applied to a watermark, one can use this parameter to vary the Drop Shadow size.
DropShadow.Spreadif the DropShadow effect is applied to a watermark, one can use this parameter to vary the Drop Shadow spread.
3d.Opacityif the 3D effect is applied to a watermark, one can use this parameter to vary the 3D opacity.
3d.Widthif the 3D effect is applied to a watermark, one can use this parameter to vary the 3D width.
3d.Angleif the 3D effect is applied to a watermark, one can use this parameter to vary the 3D angle.
Rotate.Xif the Rotate effect is applied to a watermark, one can use this parameter to vary the x-angle value of the Rotate effect.
Rotate.Yif the Rotate effect is applied to a watermark, one can use this parameter to vary the y-angle value of the Rotate effect.
Curvature.Strengthif the Curvature effect is applied to a watermark, one can use this parameter to vary the Curvature strength.
Curvature.Balanceif the Curvature effect is applied to a watermark, one can use this parameter to vary the Curvature balance.
Tile.xOffesetif the Tile effect is applied to a watermark, one can use this parameter to vary the x-offset value of the Tile effect.
Tile.yOffesetif the Tile effect is applied to a watermark, one can use this parameter to vary the y-offset value of the Tile effect.
Toleranceif a transparent color is selected for a watermark, one can use this parameter to vary the value of Tolerance for the selected color.

Additional information:
The given effect enables to select one of watermark's parameters and continuously vary its value with a preset speed for a preset time period, which enables to create unique visual effects.

For this effect the position of a watermark on the screen plays an important part. For example, if the position of a watermark is set relative to the center of the screen, the effect will act relative to the center of the screen as well.

Add the Parameter dynamic effect to a text watermark and select the effect by means of the watermark timeline control. In the Properties window set the Name parameter to "Resize". In the produced video you'll see how the watermark expands from a spot to its original size.

Operating with the Motion dynamic effect.

The present effect possesses the following properties:

Start section defines the start point of action of the Motion dynamic effect.
End section defines the end point of action of the Motion dynamic effect.
Mode defines the mode of application of the Key Point dynamic effect.
It can take two values:
All Timeline - the effect will be applied to the whole watermark display time range.
Custom Duration - the effect will be applied to a specified time interval within the watermark display time range.
Duration defines the duration (in hh:mm:ss format) of the Parameter dynamic effect.
Reflex if this option is enabled, every next cycle of parameter modification will be inverse relative to the previous one. For instance, if during the first cycle the parameter is increasing from the Min value to the Max one, then during the second cycle it will be decreasing from the Max value to the Min one.
Target Area specifies the target position of the watermark. Defines the point relative to which the target position of the watermark is calculated.
X-offset specifies the target position of the watermark. Defines the x-offset relative to the point defined by the Target Area parameter.
Y-offset specifies the target position of the watermark. Defines the y-offset relative to the point defined by the Target Area parameter.

Additional information:
This effect moves a watermark from an initial to a specified position (specified in the "Move to" section of the Properties window). It can be applied to the same watermark multiple times creating a complex movement.

Add the Motion effect to a text watermark and select the effect by means of the watermark timeline control. In the "Move to" section of the Properties window set a position you want the watermark to be transferred to. Then drag the watermark out of the visible area. In the produced video you'll see the watermark creeping in from behind the screen.


The present dynamic effects enable to create practically any video effect quickly and easily. They can be used not only separately, but together making it possible to create complex effects. When using a SRT file (that contains information about the time of displaying the text) as the source for a text watermark, you can apply dynamic effects to the watermark to produce valid subtitiles.
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