Hello, i really love watermark master pro, but i have a sugestion that would make it more userable, atleast to me ;-D
in the split section you can choose spilt by sec (or frame) and split by timeline.
is it possible to get both, when i have set a timeline i would like the software to cut 60 sec clips within the timelines.
i have one 1 hour movie file that contains 4 movies, i have set the timelines so the movies are gonna be cut out into 4 single movies, at the same time i would like these 4 movies to be cut into 60 sec clips.
so if possible please make it possible to use both "split by timeline" and split "into small pieces"
I just saw that this is possible, but its not mention anywhere. but one problem is that its not possible to name the files after the timeline. i would like the movies to be called movies1_clip_x and movies2_clip_x where x is the number of the clips. but the names will come out moviesX_clips_X. it would be nice to have a name selection that would count timelines..