For exemple in video charge "timeline editor" in the chapter 7 i have the complete movie. What I want is to split this movie and follow the diffrent movie chapter .. you see what i mean ?
When i go to the editor menu i can see chapter. I don't know how the DVD is done, but this is what i can see :
chapter 1 = menu
chapter 2 = trailer one
chapter 3 = trailer 2
chapter 4 = the movie
chapter 5= the making of
I need to encode the movie, so chapter 4. When i play this dvd in a dvd player the movie have chapter, where each chapter is a scene. You see the diffrence ?
So i need to encode the chapter 4, but split the movie in scene like the chapter i can see in my dvd player..
VC splits DVD into physical chapters. While playing, DVD player also might split these chapters, but we don’t support such ability.
You can try WM – it has split by VOB ID and CELL ID mode which might help you
You can disable coding needless chapters, except 4th. Using editor, set Timeline by necessary chapters. Every such Timeline will be saved as a single file.